Le scelte tragiche durante l’emergenza sanitaria: quando le risorse sono scarse, chi curare? Una riflessione comparatistica

 During the Covid-19 health emergency, a situation of scarcity of resources of different nature, albeit all somehow connected with the “medical world” (e.g. nurses and doctors), dramatically unfolded. This organisational “catch-22” induced the SIAARTI (the Italian Medical Society) to issue some recommendations of clinical ethics. The last ones turn out to be the subject matter of multiple criticisms: given the potential criteria of allocation of resources, one of those adopted the chronological one. Starting from this reflection, the paper discusses and analyses, from a comparative perspective, the approach taken by further countries: in this respect the demarcation lines existing between the Italian responses to the pandemic and those coming from other European – but not EU, namely Switzerland and the United Kingdom – countries will be highlighted.

C. Della Giustina, P. de Gioia Carabellese, in Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, n. 2/2023, pp. 61-82.